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Providing True Hope to Those Impacted by Cancer

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Reflecting on the Shocking Death of Luke Perry...
Do you remember the FIRST prime time soap opera? It was produced by Aaron Spelling and it was called Beverly Hills, 90210. The show was...

How does a missionary team respond when the “mission” is interrupted with a cancer trial?
Have you ever considered what it would be like to be an international or overseas missionary? Can you imagine sacrificing or giving up...

What does it really mean to be Tyler Strong?
Are you “Tyler Strong”? It sounds inspirational but what does “Tyler Strong” really mean? If you are into watching college sports like...

An INCREDIBLE Story of how a Cancer Patient walked away after 18 months of Hospice Care
You have not been feeling quite yourself so you go into the doctor and, after your first appointment, you are told that they need to run...

Is Something Missing?
Have you ever achieved a goal which you can point to as a tremendous success in your life? Perhaps you had a major sports, business,...

Why has the death of someone so young, who I don’t believe I ever met, stirred my heart so?
Have you ever purchased a new car such as a Honda Accord and when you start driving around in your new car it’s seems like everyone is...

Can someone diagnosed with terminal cancer actually be in denial that they have cancer?
My phone was on my desk as I was working at my job in employee benefits on the morning of March 20, 2018 when it started buzzing with the...

Yes, Blessings and Joy Can Come from Cancer!
If you read the title (“Yes, Blessings can come from Cancer”) to this blog post, you have probably thought to yourself that I have either...
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